Still Got Your Tax Disc Holder ?

On October 1st 2014, over 35 million UK road tax disc holders became obsolete overnight.
These plastic, often magnetic, disc holders are roughly 4mm thick on average. If 35 million of them currently bound for landfill were stacked one on top of the other, you’d end up with a tower 140km high. It would stretch more than a quarter of the way to the moon!
If you hate waste (or just giant towers of magnets?) don’t bin your tax disc holder just yet. Give it a new life with something new we’re providing FREE to every member.
Our Notify Driver Disk lets police, parking authorities, local residents or business owners, or others, contact you in the event of an emergency, property damage or risk, or even if you’re just causing an obstruction. You or a secondary contact will be notified instantly by email and SMS.
Crucially, your identity and contact details are 100% secure, so they can’t be stolen or abused in the event of a car theft or break-in.
The Disc is FREE to every WhosMyOwner member – just log into your account and download your personalised disc from the Download Labels page. Click the image to zoom.